Wednesday 30 April 2008

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Ricci reveals struggle with anorexia

Hollywood star Christina Ricci has spoken virtually her struggle with anorexia as a teenager.
The actress admitted that she spent too much time obsessing over her appearing and that she was unable to savour her success whilst development up.
Ricci told US TV show Amusement Tonight: "I was a stripling sledding through adolescence and at one point I had a little anorexia phase and and so I sort of ballooned. I feel my body nowadays is the adult Christina and it's what I should experience issue forth to a long time ago if I hadn't been piece of ass about with my body so much.
"I was also occupy intellection about my cutis or my weight or the apparel I was wearing alternatively of just enjoying it and saying, 'I can't believe I become to be hither. This is awesome and I'm exit to receive it.'"
The 27-year-old added that she had now learned non to worry about her figure, expression: "The more weightiness you give your criticisms, the more it's departure to dissemble you. Dressing table is unnecessary.
"I'm the vainest person about merely I receive found a manner to let that go so I buns just have playfulness. You really take to make a decision in life that you're not sledding to be crippled by your insecurities."

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